SVH Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

Welcome to the pulmonary rehabilitation members area. This is a resource page specifically for respiratory patients and their families at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney.  

On this page, you'll find videos which you are recommended to watch as part of the St Vincent's Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.

We've designed this online program to support you in the absence of face to face education sessions. 

All respiratory patients are encouraged to complete their pulmonary rehabilitation program, as it contains essential information about your health and recovery.

St Vincent's Hospital Pulmonary Rehab Program Videos

After enrolling in the St Vincent's Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, you'll be given a series of videos to watch, as part of your tailored program, to assist you with your recovery and health. 

After each video, you'll complete a short feedback survey. Your answers will be sent to the St Vincent's Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation Coordinator as a record of your participation and feedback.

Respiratory Physician Session

Nursing Session

Dietitian Sessions

Good Nutrition for Chronic Lung Disease Patients

Learn how to achieve and maintain good nutrition whilst living with chronic lung disease.

Physiotherapy Sessions

Social Work